Platform / Accomplishments
Mayor Keith Ogle…Getting the Job Done!
Mayor Keith Ogle laid out a vision for Frankfort and with the support of the Village Board, his vision became a reality and success for Frankfort residents.
Original Campaign Platform 2021
Public Safety:
- Completion of hiring additional police officers
- Continuing to improve Community Based Policing Strategies
- Increasing communication/outreach between Police personnel and residents
- Continue pursuing grant funding for village projects
- Implement aggressive street resurfacing program
- Replacing and improving water mains in neighborhoods
Economic Development:
- Hiring professional Economic Development Director
- Creating advisory Economic and Downtown Development Council
- Developing homes and shops along Market Street and Route 30
Social and Cultural Vibrancy:
- Expand village programs and events to year-round*
- Supporting growth of amenities promoting healthy lifestyles and quality-of-life in Frankfort*
- Increasing connectivity of the trail network- including links to regional trails- to support the comfort of both recreational and destination-based bicycle and pedestrian trips*
*Part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Notable Accomplishments from 2021-2024
Public Safety:
- Hiring of additional police officers including replacement of retiring officers for a fully staffed Police Department
- Adding of Flock license plate readers deployed to keep our community safe
- Implemented technology to make the agency more efficient
- Execution of Everbridge notification system for emergencies
- Improved agency preparedness for major incidents
- Initiated a K9 Program to aid officers in detection and tracking services while increasing community relations with residents
- Completion of Pfeiffer Road extension (as part of our 2040 Comprehensive Plan)
- Implementation of road resurfacing as promised
- Upgrading curbs for increased accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Increased replacement of aging water mains
- Worked with State Senator Mike Hastings to receive grants to offset costs to restore water tower
Taxes/Economic Development:
- No increase in taxes to residents, municipal portion only (4% of property tax bill)
- Lowered our 2024 tax rate to .2942 which is .0217 below the 2023 rate of .3159
- Increased Non-Home Rule Sales Tax (NHRST) revenues
- Frankfort received a surplus of $352,343 over budgeted revenues and $74,622 over last year’s receipts for fiscal year 2025.
- Sales tax revenues put the Village $715,499 over budgeted revenues and $78,283 over last year’s receipts for fiscal year 2025.
- Maintained high quality standards of Village code
- Received financial awards for fiscal excellence
- For the 35th year in a row, the Village of Frankfort was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
- Implemented full transparency of all board packets
- Executed online bill payment system
- Updated village computer systems
- Brought new businesses including Chick Fil A, Rustic Knead, Senso Sushi, Nautical Bowls, Crepeology, the Candle Vault, Cedarhurst Assisted Living and Planet Fitness
- 42 new business licenses issued in 2024
- 40 new licenses issued in 2023
- 50 in 2022 (2021 was COVID)
- 104 new construction permits in 2024, 52 in 2023, 46 in 2022
Put three vacant buildings (two historic) back into use
Social and Cultural Vibrancy:
- Expanded our village community events, 60423 Zip Code Day, Summer Kickoff, Scary at the Prairie Costumed 5K, Ghosts on the Green, Oktoberfest, Kriskindle Weekend
- Brought back the Bluegrass festival and Frankfort Fallfest after COVID cancellations
- Created outdoor dining for Kansas Street
- Frankfort Restaurant Week to village community events
- Repaved Old Plank Trail BIke Path
Other Notable Achievements:
- Maintained current village tax education and training, hosting Will County Center for Economic Development Training and tax town hall and training by Frankfort Township Assessor Joe Kral. brought Kral in for two separate town hall
- Increased Frankfort’s marketability in region and state, real estate pricing and demand for housing and moving into Frankfort.
- Recognized at the White House in the spring of 2024 for exemplary work for “Move With The Mayor” physical fitness program
Vote in Person
Vote in Person on Tuesday, April 1st - Stand Strong with Keith Ogle for Frankfort
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Starts March 17, 2025
Visit The Village of Frankfort Website Here For More Info:
Village of Frankfort Website
Our Village Of Frankfort
22602 Granite Drive, Frankfort, IL 60423
(815) 412-1971